Felicia Newman of Coast of Maine

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BioCycle is the leading resource on composting, organics recycling, biogas, end-product markets, policy and regulation, and community outreach and education. Check out their free website and sign up for the bi-monthly free newsletter here.

For 25+ years, Komptech has worked with scientists, agriculturalists, and consumers to develop a four-step process that produces healthly, contaminant-free compost while optimizing efficiency. Learn more about shred, turn, screen, seperate here and get a complimentary consultation to see if it's right for your commercial operation.

Felicia Newman is the director of operations at Coast of Maine Compost, which makes a high-quality compost in many blends that are bagged and sold across the US. She has a background as a chemical engineer and a deep love of farming. In addition to wearing many hats at Coast of Maine, she also runs a half-acre no-till market garden called Three Dog Farm, where she has an endless supply of good compost. 

You can find Jayne Merner Senecal and Earth Care Farm on Instagram

Also mentioned in the show...

The Maine School of Composting