Carla Castegnero of AgRecycle

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BioCycle is the leading resource on composting, organics recycling, biogas, end-product markets, policy and regulation, and community outreach and education. Check out their free website and sign up for the bi-monthly free newsletter here.

For 25+ years, Komptech has worked with scientists, agriculturalists, and consumers to develop a four-step process that produces healthly, contaminant-free compost while optimizing efficiency. Learn more about shred, turn, screen, seperate here and get a complimentary consultation to see if it's right for your commercial operation.

Welcome to The Composter! In our first episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Carla Castegnero, co-founder and president of AgRecycle, Penn's largest composting operation headquartered in Pittsburg. AgRecycle was one of the pioneers in the composting industry founded in 1991. Carla has a wealth of knowledge on making high-quality compost with a wide variety of feedstocks. She's a seasoned composter and was the recipient of Rodale's Organic Pioneer Award in 2013. 

You can find Jayne Merner Senecal and Earth Care Farm on Instagram