Alfred Melbourne of 3 Sisters Gardens

Growers & Co. was born from a dream of having a brand that truly serves and represents the movement of small-scale organic farmers all over the world. Based in Quebec, they are an e-commerce platform specializing in high-quality farm apparel and tools that empower professional growers and avid home gardeners in their everyday life and work. To demonstrate the positive impacts and potential of small-scale farming, they share stories that communicate the inspiring values and lifestyles of diverse and talented growers. Born from joining forces with some of the best creative teams in Canada, Growers & Co. offers products to support a bright and sustainable future to those producing food for their communities.

FarmersWeb is farm management software for family farms and farm cooperatives. FarmersWeb easy to use software helps farms inform their buyers of product availability, handle orders, send invoices, keep track of payments, simplify customer interactions, and more. By lessening the administrative load and streamlining operations, FarmersWeb makes it easy for farms to manage their business, save time, and work with more buyers overall. Click-it the banner and check them out, folks.

Tilth soil makes living potting soil, approved for use in Organic systems, from food scrap compost in Cleveland, Ohio. Tilth Soil is committed to making the media to help regenerative and organic farmers be as successful as possible. Their blends are suitable for seed-starting and germination, transplant production, and indoor specialty crops. Learn more about their products at Tilth Soil.

Onto the show…

After nearly 20 years in prison, Alfred Melbourne decided he did not want to see other young kids wind up in the system so he started Three Sisters Gardens to offer an alternative. Amazing story.

After nearly 20 years in prison, Alfred Melbourne decided he did not want to see other young kids wind up in the system, so he started 3 Sisters Gardens to offer an alternative. Jesse and Afled talk about how prison shaped his work, his involvement in his community, and his simple approach to organic gardening with what and who he has around him. Amazing story. Amazing work. Support it.